Welcome to MEGAN (MEtaGenome ANalyzer) community!

Welcome to the MEGAN community!

This community is designed to help current and future users of MEGAN software, but also everybody interested in metagenomics or metatranscriptomics and especially in functional metagenomics.

Here you can find here fast and accurate help. It is also a place to ask questions, discuss, report bugs and describe useful functionalities. We hope the community is a platform of communication between users and developers also between users from different fields.

Before you add a topic, please choose the category wisely,
and also ensure your problem wasn’t answered in one of the other threads, by checking the FAQ section and using the search.

List of categories:

  • FAQ : Frequently asked questions, the best starting point when you encountered a problem.
  • Tutorials: In-depth guides for common usage of MEGAN and recipes for standard analysis steps.
  • User Questions: If you have a new question, ask here.
  • Feature Requests: Post your ideas and wishes for new features here, as well as discuss and promote other peoples ideas.
  • Bug Reports: If you found a bug, please inform us!


About us:
The program was developed by Prof. Dr. Daniel Huson and the members of the Algorithms in Bioinformatics group at University of TĂĽbingen .


Hi! I would like to analyse my data using MEGAN. It is asking for licence key. In the beginning I was issued but that time my data was not ready. Now I want to use is it possible to use now. I am grateful if you can answer this.

Sounds like you have downloaded a version of MEGAN5, please use MEGAN6 community edition, which does not require a license key.

Hi Daniel,
The size of rma file I have is bigger than 10 Gb. How can I upload it thorough server.