Hi Everyone,
I am new to MEGAN, so I might be missing something. When I meganize reads, the total number of reads the program recognizes is less than half of the number in the fasta file. I am using the 6.21.5 version of MEGAN and trying to view BLASTn assignments of a fasta file from ONT reads using the GUI interface.
When I import the files MEGAN does not recognize all sequences - it reports total reads as 206, which is less than half of what should be there. When I grep the BLAST output file and the FASTA file that are used as input for MEGAN, they both return 456 reads. Even when I subtract unassigned reads from the BLAST file, this does not get me down to 206.
It’s weird because it doesn’t throw an error or even acknowledge that these reads are going missing, so I’m not sure if I’m missing a step, but even exporting the assignments from MEGAN shows only 206 reads.
Any ideas?
Output from MEGAN -
Executing: ‘import’‘blastFile’’=’’/Volumes/MyPassport/MinION/4-22-21_18SeDNA/PipelineOutput/5_BLAST/BARCODE17_medakapolishBLAST_remotent.txt’‘fastaFile’’=’’/Volumes/MyPassport/MinION/4-22-21_18SeDNA/PipelineOutput/4_medaka/BARCODE17/consensus.fasta’‘meganFile’’=’’/Volumes/MyPassport/MinION/4-22-21_18SeDNA/MEGAN/071020M_medakapolishBLAST_remotent.rma6’‘useCompression’’=’‘true’‘format’’=’‘BlastTab’‘mode’’=’‘BlastN’‘maxMatches’’=’‘100’‘minScore’’=’‘1.0’‘maxExpected’’=’‘0.01’‘minPercentIdentity’’=’‘0.0’‘topPercent’’=’‘10.0’‘minSupportPercent’’=’‘0.05’‘lcaAlgorithm’’=’‘naive’‘minPercentReadToCover’’=’‘0.0’‘minPercentReferenceToCover’’=’‘0.0’‘minReadLength’’=’‘0’‘useIdentityFilter’’=’‘false’‘readAssignmentMode’’=’‘readCount’‘fNames’’=’;
Classifications: Taxonomy
Annotating RMA6 file using EXTENDED mode
Parsing file: /Volumes/MyPassport/MinION/4-22-21_18SeDNA/PipelineOutput/5_BLAST/BARCODE17_medakapolishBLAST_remotent.txt
Total reads: 206
Alignments: 1,112
Initializing binning…
Using ‘Naive LCA’ algorithm for binning: Taxonomy
Binning reads…
Total reads: 206
With hits: 206
Alignments: 1,112
Assig. Taxonomy: 205
MinSupport set to: 1
Min-supp. changes: 1
Numb. Tax. classes: 35
Class. Taxonomy: 35