Greetings MEGAN and friends,
So far in my use of MEGAN I’ve been able to easily view and analyze the “Taxonomic” breakdowns of my samples or the “Functional” breakdowns (I2g, EggNog, etc.). But these are done separately, within different tabs/modules and seem oddly isolated from one another. I can generate PCoA clusters with either taxa or one of the functional modules but these features never seem to mix.
My questions: 1) is it possible to generate a taxonomic breakdown of functional categories within MEGAN?
Example, say I want to know the taxonomic breakdown (what seems to be contributing) to the carbohydrate enzyme family GH43 of the Interpro viewer. Is there currently a way to pull up this information within the current build of MEGAN? Theoretical output: <GH43 Domain Breakdown: 35% Bacteria, 45% Eukaryota, 20% unassigned taxonomically>
Currently, I’m trying to extract the reads in different ways in order to generate something like the theoretical output above. I suspect that the “extract to new document” feature is the answer to this question; selecting the enzyme node of interest and switching to the taxa tab in the new document. But it seems to be computationally expensive, and thus far hasn’t worked (will try again soon). The alternative I’ve been exploring is to “export … csv… ReadID_Taxname”, assuming the read id’s are conserved across all modules of MEGAN, in theory I could also export by functional node within the Interpro viewer and manually discern which taxonomic reads match up with the Interpro reads.
I’m unsure if this belongs within the “User Question” or “Feature Request” category, as this feature may already exist. I certainly have more requests following this general inquiry, but will post these later in the feature request category.