I have a question regarding the configuration of MEGAN sam2rma and rma2info tools.
As far as I understood by using them, these tools will look for the properties file (".Megan.def") file in the home directory. Is it be possible to specify a path to a properties file when calling sam2rma and rma2info and override this behavior?
Sounds reasonable, but unfortunately, at present, the is now way to specify the properties file for the tools programs. I will add this (in about two weeks)
Hi Daniel, I seem to encounter a problem with the way the -P behaves with sam2rma.
Just a little bit of context: I set up an additional classification (*map and *tre) files and want to use those instead of the ncbi ones.
This is what my MyProperties.def file looks like (newick file with taxon ids, and map file with 4 columns):
The MEGAN GUI loads these without a hitch (when calling MEGAN -p MyProperties.def) and displays my custom taxonomy. I also get the message before startup:
Loading additional classification CLASSIFICATION from: /path/to/my/CLASSIFICATION.tre and /path/to/my/CLASSIFICATION.map
Conversely, sam2rma, regardless of the properties file specified via -P loads the ncbi.tre and ncbi.map default files.
Quick addendum: I found a quick (albeit unelegant) fix. I modified the megan.jar file in a copy of MEGAN 6.24.1, and overwrote the ncbi.tre and ncbi.map files by my custom files. Taxonomy assignment works in this case.