hi everyone,
I doing metagenomics analysis using minimap2, MEGAN, Kronatools pipeline.
i have done mapping of nanopore reads with minimap2 keeping reference nt.fa database which provide output of 5.5 Gb of sam file.
i have used sam2rma tool in megan to convert file format for further analysis like taxonomic classification, OTU etc.
but i got error “java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException” while running the command
" ./sam2rma -i /home/ubuntu/minimap2/barcode3_5_aligned.sam -lg -alg longReads -a2t nucl_acc2tax-Nov2018.abin.zip -v -o /home/ubuntu/megan/barcode_3_5_rmafile/"
The screenshot which i have attached shows the error.
can anyone please help me to resolve the issue
Thank you