Sam2rma error while doing metagenomics analysis

hi everyone,

I doing metagenomics analysis using minimap2, MEGAN, Kronatools pipeline.
i have done mapping of nanopore reads with minimap2 keeping reference nt.fa database which provide output of 5.5 Gb of sam file.
i have used sam2rma tool in megan to convert file format for further analysis like taxonomic classification, OTU etc.

but i got error “java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException” while running the command

" ./sam2rma -i /home/ubuntu/minimap2/barcode3_5_aligned.sam -lg -alg longReads -a2t -v -o /home/ubuntu/megan/barcode_3_5_rmafile/"
The screenshot which i have attached shows the error.
can anyone please help me to resolve the issue

Thank you

You have to unzip the the file

(We aim to replace all the abin files by a single sqlite database later in the year…)