Run daa-meganizer on paired-end data


I am trying to use meganizer to process paired-end reads from one sample by running the following command:

daa-meganizer --in sample.R1.daa sample.R2.daa --paired --mapDB megan-map-Oct2019.db

It appears that it is not running properly to take into account the paired-end information by showing the warning below:

WARNING: Not an RMA6 file, will ignore paired read information

Any idea for how to run daa-meganizer command on paired-end data?

Many thanks,

For paired end analysis, please use the daa2rma program

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Hi Daniel, i have the same problem,
I used this comand for paired-end:
daa2rma --paired true --in /home/201903075n/Virus_analysis/clean_reads/Chiapas6_F.daa /home/201903075n/Virus_analysis/clean_reads/Chiapas6_R.daa
–acc2taxa megan-map-Feb2022.db -v true -o /home/201903075n/Virus_analysis/clean_reads/Chiapas6.rma

When I try analyzer in MEGAN6 CE. Not asigned.
Coud you help me.
Thank you¡

You are suggested to use the daa2rma program for paired end analysis.

I am sorry to say that daa2rma is very slow and may have some issues. At present, the best way to proceed is to use daa-meganizer and not do a read-pair-aware analysis