Rma2info generating a blank output

Hey Daniel

I am running MEGAN on metagenome contigs. I generated .daa and .rma files. But when I run the following code, to get the rma2info output, the file is blank.
When I run the .rma file on GUI version of MEGAN, it works. I have 300 .rma files, so I need to optimize the command line version of this code.

xvfb-run /work/student/jigyasa-arora/tools/rma2info -i 230-01_newname_scaffolds.fasta.rma -n -p -o 230-01_newname_scaffolds.fasta.rma.txt

(MEGAN version 6.15.1)

This is stupid, but the program currently requires that you specify -l (list stuff) and/or -m (list more stuff). I will change that…

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