Question regarding co-occurrence plot

Hello MEGAN community,
I am newbie to MEGAN, I just started child_coccurrence_network|0x499, using MEGAN6- community edition. I am interested to make co-occurrence analysis using my microbiota data and metadata. Here I attached my newly created network of co-occurrence, my query is how can i add my metadata to this co-occurrence network? I already import my metadata and able to use for correlation but not for co-occurrence.

One more doubt, I have my samples number but how can I categorize the analysis based on their phenotype, for example i have normal weight and obese samples 10-10, but when i do any analysis it categorize based on the sample number but not prototypically.

Kindly help me to understand and solve this issues.


This co-occurrence plot is only on taxa, not on metadata, so it can’t show metadata.

You can use the Sample Viewer to choose to color or label by a specific metadata item, or group data by metadata item.