I am using a Megan Ultimate version, and I can’t get the SEED information (only a few reads are assigned) with diamond files, while KEGG and COG are working (thousands of reads are assigned). Any ideas?
I’m also having the same issue. I’m using the lastest map.db file
Did you tried something different for the SEED? I’m not having much luck and I really need to use it.
I have just looked into this. This seems to work fine for me:
Total reads: 695,329
With hits: 695,329
Alignments: 10,465,654
Assig. Taxonomy: 685,443
Assig. SEED: 224,049
Assig. EGGNOG: 321,671
Assig. KEGG: 254,909
Assig. GTDB: 666,358
Assig. EC: 163,519
Assig. INTERPRO2GO: 308,045
Can you please check that:
- you are using the latest release of MEGAN, 6.20.1, and
- you are using the latest map.db, https://software-ab.informatik.uni-tuebingen.de/download/megan6/megan-map-Jul2020-2.db.zip
If you are using the latest program and files and the problem still persists, then could you please give me access to a small example file so that I can look at this in detail.
Thanks, it’s working well now!