No assignments against SEED mapping file


I’m working with shotgun samples (NovaSeq 6000 2x150) from marine bacterioplankton. After merging the reads into contigs and blastx against nr.dmnd, I’m trying to meganize the DAA file against the SEED mapping file as follows:

daa-meganizer -i Sample1.daa -g2seed acc2seed-May2015XX.abin

However, I’m getting 0 assignments:

Total reads: 225,442
**With hits: 225,442 **
Alignments: 5,237,419
Assig. Taxonomy: 0
Assig. SEED: 0
Class. Taxonomy: 1
Class. SEED: 1

I’ve successfully meganized the very same sample against INTERPRO mapping file:

Total reads: 225,442
**With hits: 225,442 **
Alignments: 5,237,419
Assig. Taxonomy: 0
Assig. INTERPRO2GO: 149,712
Class. Taxonomy: 1
Class. INTERPRO2GO: 4,619

Can anyone see what I’m getting wrong?


Dear Juanjo,

You need to change -g2seed to -a2seed.
-g is for GI numbers and -a is for accessions.
