Meganize ERRORS: 1

I ran diamond blastx with -f 100 flag, and apparently it ran correctly, as queries were aligned. When meganizing the daa file in MEGAN Comm. Edition 6.24.23, the ´Annotating references´ works, the ´Writing´ starts but then stops:

Annotating DAA file using FAST mode (accession database and first accession per line)
Error: null
Info: Finished meganizing 1 files. ERRORS: 1
Info: Command completed (424s): meganize …

Do you have any more details to report? What was the size of the input file, what was the complete log output?

I came across the same problem, and after a few attempts I’m sure it’s because of functional profiling (KEGG, SEED, etc.). if you only do taxonomy, the file can be meganized correctly.

Executing: meganize daaFile=‘/Users/puritan/Downloads/BF-5Jul-24.daa’ minScore=50.0 maxExpected=0.01 minPercentIdentity=0.0 topPercent=10.0 minSupportPercent=0.01 lcaAlgorithm=weighted lcaCoveragePercent=80.0 minReadLength=0 useIdentityFilter=false readAssignmentMode=readCount fNames=KEGG SEED longReads=false paired=false;
Meganizing file: /Users/puritan/Downloads/BF-5Jul-24.daa
Annotating DAA file using FAST mode (accession database and first accession per line)
Error: null
Info: Finished meganizing 1 files. ERRORS: 1

Would it be possible to share the full command and log (if possible to re-run it)? I assume you are running daa-meganizer -i file.daa -mdb megan-map.db in the terminal, but not using MEGAN in command-line mode.