Hi community,
I wanted to download Megan-lr software from its paper
There are numerous computational tools for taxonomic or functional analysis of microbiome samples, optimized to run on hundreds of millions of short, high quality sequencing reads. Programs such as MEGAN allow the user to interactively navigate these...
but the link is not found:
or should I download megan and that includes the extension of megan-lr?
any feedback is much appreciated!
March 30, 2020, 1:38pm
September 15, 2020, 4:45pm
Hi @Daniel ,
I’m confused. The updated link you provided seems to just be a set of example data to try out - I don’t see a link to any software.
Is MEGAN-LR a standalone bit of software or is it built-in to MEGAN6?
Thanks for any clarification!
September 25, 2020, 2:59pm
sorry, I should have read your message more carefully. The link points to the data from the paper, but MEGAN-lr is not a separate program, but rather all LR features are contained in MEGAN6 Community Edition. This paper gives an updated view on how to use DIAMOND+MEGAN to analyze long reads:
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September 25, 2020, 7:44pm
Ah! Thanks for the clarification! I now see that --long-reads
is an option available in MEGAN6!