Megan-lr download

Hi community,

I wanted to download Megan-lr software from its paper

but the link is not found:

or should I download megan and that includes the extension of megan-lr?

any feedback is much appreciated!

I will fix the link. It should point here:

Hi @Daniel ,

I’m confused. The updated link you provided seems to just be a set of example data to try out - I don’t see a link to any software.

Is MEGAN-LR a standalone bit of software or is it built-in to MEGAN6?

Thanks for any clarification!

sorry, I should have read your message more carefully. The link points to the data from the paper, but MEGAN-lr is not a separate program, but rather all LR features are contained in MEGAN6 Community Edition. This paper gives an updated view on how to use DIAMOND+MEGAN to analyze long reads:

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Ah! Thanks for the clarification! I now see that --long-reads is an option available in MEGAN6!