This is my first time using MEGAN
With these commands
diamond blastp -p 20 -d /localdisk/BLAST/NCBI_databases/nr_diamond.dmnd -q test.fastaa -a test_ForMEGAN6_nr.out
daa-meganizer -i test_ForMEGAN6_nr.out.daa -lg -a2t /localdisk/science/MEGAN6_community/prot_acc2tax-Oct2017X1.abin
I get this error message:
Version MEGAN Community Edition (version 6.10.6, built 20 Dec 2017)
Copyright © 2017 Daniel H. Huson. This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.
Java version: 1.8.0_151
java.io.IOException: File not in DAA format: test_ForMEGAN6_nr.out.daa
at megan.tools.DAAMeganizer.run(DAAMeganizer.java:168)
at megan.tools.DAAMeganizer.main(DAAMeganizer.java:56)
Scientific Linux (~RedHat) with
MEGAN Community Edition (version 6.10.6, built 20 Dec 2017).
diamond v0.9.14.115
January 23, 2018, 4:38pm
Could you try running the Diamond view command on your file to see whether Diamond agrees that the format is not DAA. Then it might be a Diamond options problem.
Hi! Good thinking - but it does work
diamond view -a test_ForMEGAN6_nr.out.daa | head
Earthworm_DN143526_c3_g1_i2_len=21379 ELU00280.1 38.8 4991 2394 67 148 4708 89 4850 0.0e+00 2012.3
Earthworm_DN143526_c3_g1_i2_len=21379 ELU00280.1 37.0 751 426 11 5355 6093 6191 6906 2.9e-55 229.6
Earthworm_DN143526_c3_g1_i2_len=21379 XP_013079228.1 27.1 5101 2964 86 20 4806 13 4670 0.0e+00 1150.6
Earthworm_DN143526_c3_g1_i2_len=21379 XP_013079182.1 27.0 5117 2964 87 20 4806 13 4686 0.0e+00 1140.2
Earthworm_DN143526_c3_g1_i2_len=21379 XP_013079174.1 26.9 5096 2953 86 41 4806 64 4717 0.0e+00 1129.4
Earthworm_DN143526_c3_g1_i2_len=21379 XP_021343547.1 28.8 5355 3198 107 41 5122 39 5051 0.0e+00 1119.0
Earthworm_DN143526_c3_g1_i2_len=21379 XP_011420403.1 31.0 3022 1705 41 98 3040 1 2721 9.2e-304 1055.0
Earthworm_DN143526_c3_g1_i2_len=21379 XP_011420407.1 31.0 3022 1705 41 98 3040 1 2721 9.2e-304 1055.0
Earthworm_DN143526_c3_g1_i2_len=21379 XP_013079236.1 26.5 5023 2936 85 98 4806 1 4581 9.2e-304 1055.0
Earthworm_DN143526_c3_g1_i2_len=21379 XP_019920743.1 31.0 3022 1705 41 98 3040 1 2721 9.2e-304 1055.0
I wonder if this is related to the putative ‘bug’ listed at the top of the bugs forum, related to the latest version of diamond?
January 25, 2018, 9:15am
If you are running the very latest version of DIAMOND then this might explain the problem. Expect a new release of MEGAN very soon that will be compatible with the latest DIAMOND release