MEGAN 6 CE reports daa is not a daa file | possible bug?


This is my first time using MEGAN

With these commands

diamond blastp -p 20 -d /localdisk/BLAST/NCBI_databases/nr_diamond.dmnd -q test.fastaa -a test_ForMEGAN6_nr.out

daa-meganizer -i test_ForMEGAN6_nr.out.daa -lg -a2t /localdisk/science/MEGAN6_community/prot_acc2tax-Oct2017X1.abin

I get this error message:

Version MEGAN Community Edition (version 6.10.6, built 20 Dec 2017)
Copyright © 2017 Daniel H. Huson. This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.
Java version: 1.8.0_151
Caught: File not in DAA format: test_ForMEGAN6_nr.out.daa

Scientific Linux (~RedHat) with
MEGAN Community Edition (version 6.10.6, built 20 Dec 2017).
diamond v0.9.14.115

Could you try running the Diamond view command on your file to see whether Diamond agrees that the format is not DAA. Then it might be a Diamond options problem.

Hi! Good thinking - but it does work

diamond view -a test_ForMEGAN6_nr.out.daa | head

Earthworm_DN143526_c3_g1_i2_len=21379 ELU00280.1 38.8 4991 2394 67 148 4708 89 4850 0.0e+00 2012.3
Earthworm_DN143526_c3_g1_i2_len=21379 ELU00280.1 37.0 751 426 11 5355 6093 6191 6906 2.9e-55 229.6
Earthworm_DN143526_c3_g1_i2_len=21379 XP_013079228.1 27.1 5101 2964 86 20 4806 13 4670 0.0e+00 1150.6
Earthworm_DN143526_c3_g1_i2_len=21379 XP_013079182.1 27.0 5117 2964 87 20 4806 13 4686 0.0e+00 1140.2
Earthworm_DN143526_c3_g1_i2_len=21379 XP_013079174.1 26.9 5096 2953 86 41 4806 64 4717 0.0e+00 1129.4
Earthworm_DN143526_c3_g1_i2_len=21379 XP_021343547.1 28.8 5355 3198 107 41 5122 39 5051 0.0e+00 1119.0
Earthworm_DN143526_c3_g1_i2_len=21379 XP_011420403.1 31.0 3022 1705 41 98 3040 1 2721 9.2e-304 1055.0
Earthworm_DN143526_c3_g1_i2_len=21379 XP_011420407.1 31.0 3022 1705 41 98 3040 1 2721 9.2e-304 1055.0
Earthworm_DN143526_c3_g1_i2_len=21379 XP_013079236.1 26.5 5023 2936 85 98 4806 1 4581 9.2e-304 1055.0
Earthworm_DN143526_c3_g1_i2_len=21379 XP_019920743.1 31.0 3022 1705 41 98 3040 1 2721 9.2e-304 1055.0

I wonder if this is related to the putative ‘bug’ listed at the top of the bugs forum, related to the latest version of diamond?

If you are running the very latest version of DIAMOND then this might explain the problem. Expect a new release of MEGAN very soon that will be compatible with the latest DIAMOND release