I am trying to import some LAST-generated alignments of long reads against a protein reference database into Megan. I first use the sort-last-maf program to sort the generated alignments:
tools/sort-last-maf -i input.maf -o input.sorted.maf
I then try to generate an RMA file with the following command:
blast2rma -i input.sorted.maf -f LastMAF -o input.sorted.rma -lg -alg longReads --acc2taxa a2t.mapping
, where a2t.mapping is a file that specifies the taxon ID for each protein sequence in the reference database.
When following this procedure, I get a lot of error messages of the following form:
Internal error writing BLAST format: qEnd=1675, should be: 1687
Internal error writing BLAST format: qEnd=118, should be: 119
Internal error writing BLAST format: qEnd=4743, should be: 4744
Any advice?
Best wishes and thanks in advance,