In order to normalize my results, I want to obtain the gene or genome length that is coverage by at least 1x depth (number of bases of a reference taxon that is cover) . But when I export taxonId to length it seems to export the sum of the contigs lengths even do they are sometime partial overlapped. For example, suppose that each base is one character, in one taxon I have:
the same, taxonId to length = 9 and I will like to obtain 5
For example, in the first case, reference genome covere is longest than case 2, but by exporting taxonId to length it give me the same thing. ¿It is possible to calculate or obtain in some way this information?
I think that the “Export Read Lengths and Coverage” menu item will suit your needs. This is broken in the current version of MEGAN, so I have fixed it and will upload a new release today (look for 6.14.2)
I have a cupple of questions regarding this new version. For example, I exported read lengths and coverage for some type of taxons (using read magnitud and weighted LCA algortih) from this result:
First, the resul had the same reads a lot of times, not only one.(NS500560_00101_FC_HK5GTBGX2:2:23103:18027:7176 -> 8 times, NS500560_00101_FC_HK5GTBGX2:4:22404:10327:13104 -< 4 times and so on…)
What “number-of-alignments” means? For the same read, it gives me different numbers.