Getting earlier versions of MEGAN 6?

Hey there MEGAN community:

I was wondering if it were possible to get the .dmg file for MEGAN_Community_macos_6_7_15? I ask because I downloaded the MEGAN_Community_macos_6_7_20.dmg and it would not take my file (everything was classified as unassigned), kept freezing on me, PCA plots kept giving me errors, it would not take the colors … etc. We switched to the 6_7_15 version a lab mate had on her computer and it worked perfectly but I can’t find the .dmg file for this older version anywhere.


A lot of previous versions are available for download, simply determine the URL of the latest version and then change the version number in the URL to access an older version.
Could you please also give me access to a file that you are having trouble with, I would like to know what is causing problems and will try to fix the issues.