I have many rma files, and instead of generating an output taxonomy text file using GUI Megan, I am interested in a more of an automated version. I understand “Blast2LCA” generates a taxonomic file. Is it possible to do so from rma file?
I am using MEGAN Community Edition (version 6.19.6).
The rma file -
-rw-r–r-- 1 jigyasa-arora 3.3G Aug 5 18:04 swissprot-matches-2-rumen_contigs.rma
MEGAN version I am using-Version MEGAN Community Edition (version 6.19.6, built 30 Jul 2020)
Additionally, I am using swissprot database for DIAMOND blast, and “megan-map-Jul2020-2.db” mapping file. But I don’t get an virus taxonomy in it (virus contigs exists, as its based on recently published data). Any suggestions on if I am using the wrong mapping file or not?
You need to specify what you want rma2info to do, using one of the following options (use -h to get full help listing):
-l, --list List general info about file. Default value: false.
-m, --listMore List more info about file (if meganized). Default value: false.
-c2c, --class2count [string(s)] List class to count for named classification(s) (Possible values: EC EGGNOG GTDB INTERPRO2GO KEGG SEED Taxonomy).
-r2c, --read2class [string(s)] List read to class assignments for named classification(s) (Possible values: EC EGGNOG GTDB INTERPRO2GO KEGG SEED Taxonomy).
-n, --names Report class names rather than class Id numbers. Default value: false.
-p, --paths Report class paths rather than class Id numbers. Default value: false.
-r, --ranks When reporting taxonomy, report taxonomic rank using single letter (K for Kingdom, P for Phylum etc). Default value: false.
-mro, --majorRanksOnly Only use major taxonomic ranks. Default value: false.
-bo, --bacteriaOnly Only report bacterial reads and counts in taxonomic report. Default value: false.
-vo, --virusOnly Only report viral reads and counts in taxonomic report. Default value: false.
-u, --ignoreUnassigned Don't report on reads that are unassigned. Default value: true.
-es, --extractSummaryFile [string] Output a MEGAN summary file (contains all classifications, but no reads or alignments).
Thank you for replying! I tried mapping to the extended mapping database-https://software-ab.informatik.uni-tuebingen.de/download/megan6/megan-map-Jul2020-2-X.db.zip.
I don’t get any assigned reads now.
The rma file is 3.3Gb is size, but when I upload it to MEGAN GUI version, all reads are unassigned.
rma2info command on command line version generates an empty file too.
Please let me know if you need any specific file to reproduce my analysis.
I tried uploading the meganized daa file, but it doesn’t load completely.