We have been using the commands below to extract Bacteria for further functional analysis in Megan. But we find small numbers of eukaryote reads are also extracted. Is this expected?
We overcame this by running further extractions on the “extracted” files. Is there a better way?
For this purpose, I have used the daa-meganizer tool. You can find it in megan/tools/daa-meganizer.
use the -cf command and provide a .txt file containing the groups to exclude from your analyzses (one group per line), i.e. in your case it would be a text file containing two lines: Eukaryota and Viruses.
This shouldn’t happen. Could you let me know which eukaryotic taxa are showing up? I’m wondering whether its eukaryotic taxa for which there are prokaryotic taxa of the same name…
The root of the output tree has 8458992 “summed” reads, but only 8455712 are Viridiplantae. The others now appear elsewhere, mainly as Bacteria or Opisthokonta.
To help me debug this, could you please open the inspector window on one of the unexpected taxonomic nodes and copy out the reads and all alignments for a couple of reads, and send that to me.