Hi Meganners,
I am kind of new megan6 user, very happy using megan so far. However, I have a problem during using the megan that was export “spf” file.
I am working on virome, so I did blastn against viral db, then rma files were made following command.
blast2rma -a2t ~/Documents/db/megan/nucl_acc2tax-Jun2018.abin -i input.blast -f BlastText -bm BlastN -o output.rma -sup 1 -ms 30.0 -me 0.01 -top 10.0
Filnally, I can see nice several plot after “compare” using several .rma files. For futher analysis I hope to export .spf file, but I don’t think it is not properly export.
Level_1 Level_2 Level_3 Level_4 Level_5 Level_6 Level_7 Observation Ids teat1 teat2
k__(null) p__(null) c__(null) o__(null) f__(null) g__(null) s__(null) ID1 0 0
k__(null) p__(null) c__(null) o__(null) f__(null) g__(null) s__(null) ID10239 25 426
k__(null) p__(null) c__(null) o__(null) f__(null) g__(null) s__(null) ID35237 0 0
k__(null) p__(null) c__(null) o__(null) f__(null) g__(null) s__(null) ID79205 0 0
k__(null) p__(null) c__(null) o__(null) f__(null) g__(null) s__(null) ID29258 0 0
k__(null) p__(null) c__(null) o__(null) f__(null) g__(null) s__(null) ID12333 21 108
k__(null) p__(null) c__(null) o__(null) f__(null) g__(null) s__(null) ID156614 0 0
Could you guys help me my problem?
Thank you,