We have created a daa file using diamond version 0.9.10 with the following command:
diamond blastx --threads 20 --db nr --query $file --taxonmap prot.accession2taxid.gz --taxonnodes nodes.dmp --out $output --outfmt 100
taxonnodes option is useless apparently but anyway it was in the command we have launch.
As outlined in the diamond documentation we have used --outfmt 100
because it is supported by MEGAN and allows a quick import of results.
From the daa generated by diamond we have done a conversion in rma format using daa2rma.
daa2rma -i input.daa -o output.rma -at2 prot.accession2taxid.gz
We are using MEGAN Community Edition (version 6.10.5, built 23 Nov 2017).
The conversion seems to go fine and we get the corresponding rma file.
Then when we try to visualise the rma file we get this error:
error: Execute failed: java.io.IOException: Unreasonable string length: 1380794678
And no result seems to be loaded into MEGAN.
Could it be related to the size of the file ? The daa file is over 1 Gb (we didn’t use the -k option in diamond to limit the number of hit reported)
We will be grateful for any help, thanks