Error using taxonomy2function with KEGG

I am using the MEGAN6 Community Edition and want to map KEGG Ids to Taxonomy with taxonomy2function. It works fine, when I am using EGGNOG instead, but with KEGG I am getting the folowing error:

taxonomy2function -i LuW1_nA_SB_chop.daa -o LuW1_nA_SB_chop_KEGG.txt.gz -a KEGG -b Taxonomy -bf path

Processing: First classification
java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke “” because “firstClassificationBlock” is null
at megan/
at megan/

Is this, because I am using the MEGAN6 Community Edition and not the UE?

All the best,

Yes, the way that KEGG is used in MEGAN requires a KEGG license, which comes with a UE license.

I have requested a 30 days trail licence, which I have now installed. Do I have to run DIAMOND and Meganizer again on my fastq files, or can I use the existing meganized files, I have created for the Community Edition?

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OK, I need to run Meganizer again with the UE database.