Hi, I’m trying to extract reads from a .rma6 file in the MEGAN Community Edition (v.6.20.17). The file includes multiple blast/fastas that were inputted together from BLAST. This used to work fine on older versions of MEGAN, but for some reason, I’m running into an error now.
This is the error from the log:
Executing: extract what=reads outdir=‘F:\data\Ghost-range\sedaDNA-mitogenome_core-paper’ outfile=‘Homo-sapiens_extract-TM-BC-Bison.fas’ data=Taxonomy ids= 9606 allBelow=true;
IOExceptionWithLineNumber: Line 1: ‘samples’ expected, got: ‘what’
Command usage: extract [name=] samples=<name1 name2 …>; - Extract samples to a new document
IOException: Line 1: ‘samples’ expected, got: ‘what’
Error: Execute failed: java.io.IOException: Line 1: ‘samples’ expected, got: ‘what’
Executing: show window=ExtractReads;