I am using MEGAN 6 (6.7.1) and MEGAN 5 (5.11.3) on Ubuntu system. Loading BIOM file into these software used to be well. But now it keeps showing: Error: Execute failed: java.io.IOException: [F cannot be cast to [I.
Messages in MEGAN 6:
Executing: import format=biom file=’/media/yichao/Temporary/Amplicon_Quarries_Data/L1/otu_table_k__Bacteria_json_cleaned_megan.biom’ type=‘Taxonomy’;
Importing data from BIOM file
[F cannot be cast to [I
Command usage: import format=biom file=<fileName> [type={TAXONOMY|KEGG|SEED|UNKNOWN}]; - Import samples from a table in BIOM 1.0 (JSON) format (see http://biom-format.org/documentation/format_versions/biom-1.0.html)
[F cannot be cast to [I
Error: Execute failed: java.io.IOException: [F cannot be cast to [I
Message in MEGAN 5:
Executing: import format=biom file=’/media/yichao/Temporary/Amplicon_Quarries_Data/L1/otu_table_k__Bacteria_json.biom’ type=‘taxonomy’;
Importing data from BIOM file
Command usage: import format=biom file= [type={TAXONOMY|KEGG|SEED|UNKNOWN}]; - Import samples from a table in BIOM 1.0 format (see http://biom-format.org/documentation/format_versions/biom-1.0.html)
java.util.LinkedHashMap cannot be cast to com.google.gson.internal.StringMap
Opening startup files
Loading ncbi.map: 1,601,128
Loading ncbi.tre: 1,601,131
Induced tree has 1,601,131 of 1,601,131 nodes
Executing: open file=‘C:\Users\mcerqueira\Downloads\ERR1746143_FASTQ_otu_table_json.biom’;
File has unknown type: C:\Users\mcerqueira\Downloads\ERR1746143_FASTQ_otu_table_json.biom
Command usage: open file= [readOnly={false|true}]; - Open a MEGAN file (ending on .rma, .meg or .megan)
File has unknown type: C:\Users\mcerqueira\Downloads\ERR1746143_FASTQ_otu_table_json.biom
Error: Execute failed: java.io.IOException: File has unknown type: C:\Users\mcerqueira\Downloads\ERR1746143_FASTQ_otu_table_json.biom
Executing: open file=‘C:\Users\mcerqueira\Downloads\ERR1746143_FASTQ_otu_table_hdf5.biom’;
File has unknown type: C:\Users\mcerqueira\Downloads\ERR1746143_FASTQ_otu_table_hdf5.biom