Dear MEGAN community,
I am a new user for MEGAN. I ran diamond to generate ‘daa’ file. Then meganised using daa-meganizer command.
I want to summarize the reads counts by KEGG groups.
But the “Reads total” was no match to sum of KEGG groups. (e.g. KEGG[365497] =/= Metabolism[25290] + Genetic Information Processing[10624] … + Not assigned[290313])
In my understanding, each KEGG ID (e.g K19244 alanine dehydrogenase [EC:]) belongs to the KEGG module (e.g ko00430). And the KEGG groups contain the KEGG modules.
I attached the List Summary.
The sample that I used, contains 1,105,227 reads.
########## Begin of summary for file: /data1/nuri.megan/diamond.daa/1-Day0_AL_1.daa
Samples: 1
Reads total: 365497
Summarized at nodes:
KEGG: 365497.0
Metabolism: 25290.0
Genetic Information Processing: 10624.0
Environmental Information Processing: 8761.0
Cellular Processes: 7685.0
Organismal Systems: 4965.0
Human Diseases: 7085.0
Brite Hierarchies: 45889.0
Not Included in Pathway or Brite: 9331.0
Not assigned: 290313.0
########## End of summary for file: /data1/nuri.megan/diamond.daa/1-Day0_AL_1.daa
Many thanks in advance.
Kind regards,