Daa2rma run error

The code is shown below:
In DAA files:~/data/data12/pair/diamond/ERR985532.1.daa, ~/data/data12/pair/diamond/ERR985532.2.daa
Output file: ~/data/data12/pair/diamond/MEGAN_RMA/ERR985532.rma
Classifications: Taxonomy, SEED, EGGNOG, GTDB, EC, INTERPRO2GO
Generating RMA6 file Parsing matches
Annotating RMA6 file using FAST mode (accession database and first accession per line)
Parsing file ERR985532.1.daa
Parsing file: ~/data/data12/pair/diamond/ERR985532.1.daa
10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% (11396.6s)
Parsing file ERR985532.2.daa
Parsing file: ~/data/data12/pair/diamond/ERR985532.2.daa
10% 20% 30% ~/megan/tools/daa2rma: line 39: 387839 Killed $java $java_flags --module-path=$modulepath --add-modules=megan megan.tools.DAA2RMA6 $options

hello,when I used daa2rma to produce rma file,but there was a problem,the problem code is
blod font,so how can I to solve it?thank you