Daa-meganizer error

Dear Megan community,

Kindly excuse me if this question already exists.
I would like to convert daa to rma for megan, for this purpose i am using the command below. I am facing a error while running this command
java.io.IOException: Failed to parse too many lines, is this really a .map or .bin file? nucl_acc2tax-Nov2018.abin

–in reads.daa
–gi2taxa nucl_acc2tax-Nov2018.abin
–acc2kegg acc2kegg-Dec2017X1-ue.abin
–acc2interpro2go acc2interpro-June2018X.abin
-fwa true

I would like to know what could be possible reason for this error?

Thank you

Dear Richa,

this line is wrong:
–gi2taxa nucl_acc2tax-Nov2018.abin
Should be

–acc2taxa nucl_acc2tax-Nov2018.abin

Hello Daniel,

Thank you



I just ran diamond to generate a daa file for long reads:
(/lustre/project/taw/share/conda-envs/diamond-env) [kvigil@cypress2 ~]$ diamond blastx -d /lustre/project/taw/kvigil/Reference/viralprotein.dmnd -q /lustre/project/taw/kvigil/ONR/baratariabay/ONR_baratariabay100623/20231006_1648_MN18851_FAW76720_acec0fdf/fastq_pass/concatenate/barcode04.fastq.gz -o /lustre/project/taw/kvigil/ONR/baratariabay/ONR_baratariabay100623/20231006_1648_MN18851_FAW76720_acec0fdf/fastq_pass/concatenate/ONR030223barcode04.daa --frameshift 15 --ultra-sensitive --range-culling --top 10

I have an output file that I re-named : barcode04.daa

How should I be running my script for long reads?

I am trying to run the daa-meganizer and I am getting this error:
(/lustre/project/taw/share/conda-envs/megan) [kvigil@cypress2 tools]$ daa-meganizer -i /lustre/project/taw/kvigil/ONR/baratariabay/ONR_baratariabay100623/20231006_1648_MN18851_FAW76720_acec0fdf/fastq_pass/concatenate/barcode04.daa -lg -mdb megan-map-Feb2022.db
Version MEGAN Community Edition (version 6.24.20, built 5 Feb 2023)
Author(s) Daniel H. Huson
Copyright (C) 2023 Daniel H. Huson. This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.
Java version:
java.io.IOException: File not in DAA format (or incorrect file suffix?): /lustre/project/taw/kvigil/ONR/baratariabay/ONR_baratariabay100623/20231006_1648_MN18851_FAW76720_acec0fdf/fastq_pass/concatenate/barcode04.daa
at megan/megan.tools.DAAMeganizer.run(DAAMeganizer.java:182)
at megan/megan.tools.DAAMeganizer.main(DAAMeganizer.java:59)