Megan UE shipped with the "create-accession-db” script (I just want to create a taxonomic database only), but the following SQL error message jams the process at the merging step:
org.sqlite.SQLiteException: [SQLITE_TOOBIG] String or BLOB exceeds size limit (statement too long)
Detailed log:
./create-accession-db -c Taxonomy -i -o accessionmap202309.db --nr nr.faa -v --threads 32
CreateMappingDB - Create MappingDB files for MEGAN
Version MEGAN Ultimate Edition (version 6.25.2, built 13 Sep 2023)Java version: 20.0.2; max memory: 1000G
Parsing input files:
Processing file:
10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% (559.7s)
Taxonomy:1,193,208,055 from file:
Loading 2,396,736
Loading ncbi.tre: 2,396,740
Using LCA for Taxonomy
Processing file: nr.faa
10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% (4,569.9s)
Taxonomy: 380,349,598
Creating mappings table: init
Merging all:
org.sqlite.SQLiteException: [SQLITE_TOOBIG] String or BLOB exceeds size limit (statement too long)
at org.xerial.sqlitejdbc@
at org.xerial.sqlitejdbc@
at org.xerial.sqlitejdbc@
at org.xerial.sqlitejdbc@ Method)
at org.xerial.sqlitejdbc@
at org.xerial.sqlitejdbc@
at org.xerial.sqlitejdbc@$execute$0(
at org.xerial.sqlitejdbc@
at org.xerial.sqlitejdbc@
at megan/megan.accessiondb.CreateAccessionMappingDatabase.execute(
at megan6u/ Source)
at megan6u/ Source)
at megan6u/ Source