I have run a MegaBlast alignment on Galaxy of an NCBI SRA dataset and now want to bring it into MEGAN to analyze further.
Galaxy NGS Mapping MegaBlast produces a 13 column tabular file of hits. Each hit has a gi number associated with it.
"Output of this tool contains 13 columns delimited by Tabs:
- Id of your sequence
- GI of the database hit
- Length of the database hit
- % identity
- Alignment length
- Start position in your sequence
- End position in your sequence
- Start position in database hit
- End position in database hit
- E-value
- Bit score"
How would I take this dataset and convert it into a format that MEGAN can use? I have tried to import into MEGAN as a text file, but I get errors
Execute failed: java.io.IOException: File not a BLASTX file in text format:
Execute failed: java.io.IOException: File not a BLASTN file in text format:
As BlastTab
Execute failed: java.io.IOException: Too many errors
Is there a way to convert this file to a format that MEGAN can use?