MaltRun - Aligns sequences using MALT (MEGAN alignment tool) Options: Mode: --mode: BlastN --alignmentType: Local Input: --inFile: SC-10c-TCMP_S207_L001.unmapped.fasta.gz --index: malt_index_megandb Output: --output: test_malt_megandb --includeUnaligned: false --alignments: test_malt_megandb --format: SAM --gzipAlignments: true --samSoftClip: false --sparseSAM: false Performance: --numThreads: 12 --memoryMode: load --maxTables: 0 --replicateQueryCache: false Filter: --minBitScore: 50.0 --maxExpected: 1.0E-5 --minPercentIdentity: 0.0 --maxAlignmentsPerQuery: 25 --maxAlignmentsPerRef: 1 BlastN parameters: --matchScore: 2 --mismatchScore: -3 --setLambda: 0.625 --setK: 0.41 DNA query parameters: --forwardOnly: false --reverseOnly: false LCA parameters: --topPercent: 10.0 --minSupportPercent: 0.001 --minSupport: 3 (--minSupportPercent: overridden, set to 0) --minPercentIdentityLCA: 95.0 --useMinPercentIdentityFilterLCA: false --weightedLCA: true --lcaCoveragePercent: 80.0 --magnitudes: false Heuristics: --maxSeedsPerFrame: 100 --maxSeedsPerRef: 20 --seedShift: 1 Banded alignment parameters: --gapOpen: 7 --gapExtend: 3 --band: 4 Other: --replicateQueryCacheBits: 20 --xPart: false --verbose: true Version MALT (version 0.6.1, built 25 Oct 2022) Author(s) Daniel H. Huson Copyright (C) 2022 Daniel H. Huson. This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. --- LOADING ---: Reading file: malt_index_megandb/ref.idx 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% (0.0s) Reading file: malt_index_megandb/ref.db 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% (0.3s) Number of sequences: 12,420 Number of letters: 16,043,541 LOADING table (0) ... Reading file: malt_index_megandb/index0.idx Reference sequence type: DNA 100% (0.0s) Reading file: malt_index_megandb/table0.idx 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% (0.5s) Reading file: malt_index_megandb/table0.db 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% (0.7s) Table size: 15,637,482 Loading 2,396,736 Loading ncbi.tre: 2,396,740 Reading file: malt_index_megandb/taxonomy.idx 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% (0.0s) --- ALIGNING ---: +++++ Aligning file: SC-10c-TCMP_S207_L001.unmapped.fasta.gz Starting file: test_malt_megandb/SC-10c-TCMP_S207_L001.unmapped.rma6 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 100% (17.7s) Alignments written to file: test_malt_megandb/SC-10c-TCMP_S207_L001.unmapped-tmp1001032..blastn..gz Finishing file: test_malt_megandb/SC-10c-TCMP_S207_L001.unmapped.rma6 Binning reads: Initializing... Initializing binning... Computing taxon-to-species map for 'Taxonomy' Using 'Weighted LCA' assignment (80.0 %) on Taxonomy Computing weights Total matches: 0 Total references: 0 Total weights: 0 Binning reads... Binning reads: Analyzing alignments Total reads: 106,255 With hits: 106,255 Alignments: 2,230,669 Assig. Taxonomy: 0 Binning reads: Writing classification tables Numb. Tax. classes: 1 Binning reads: Syncing Class. Taxonomy: 1 Analysis written to file: test_malt_megandb/SC-10c-TCMP_S207_L001.unmapped.rma6 Prepending @SQ lines to SAM file: test_malt_megandb/SC-10c-TCMP_S207_L001.unmapped.blastn.sam.gz 10% 20% 30% 100% (0.0s) Copying from temporary file: 100% (8.4s) Deleted temporary file: test_malt_megandb/SC-10c-TCMP_S207_L001.unmapped-tmp1001032..blastn..gz Num. of queries: 1153880 Aligned queries: 106255 Num. alignments: 2230669 Total time: 77s Peak memory: 12.5 of 64G