I have just uploaded taxonomy mapping files dating March 2018
Thank you Daniel. I re-analyzed my data using the new mapping file, but found that many viral reads that had previously been assigned using the May 2017 mapping file were unassigned using the March 2018 mapping file. Others that had been more specifically classified were simply denoted as viruses after the mapping file update. When I looked at the reads and individually checked them via blastx, they were given the same assignments as those analyzed using the May 2017 mapping file. I noticed a note on the download page that says if there is no class classification, then the read is assigned the majority class of equivalent classifications. Since many viral entries are not given class annotations, this may be part of the reason I am losing so many reads with the undated mapping file. For this reason, I am planning to stick with the May 2017 mapping file, and only update the nr database for use with DIAMOND. Does this sound reasonable?
Are you sure that you used exactly the same settings to reanalyze the data? Could you send me a small file of virus reads that exhibit the problem, then I’d take a look to see what is going on
that probably won’t reach me… please send to my university email address
OK I’ve sent it to your university email address.
Hi Daniel,
Will it be possible to update the protein accession mapping file?
will do so within the next week or two
Just updated taxonomic mapping and also InterPro2GO mapping
Dear Daniel.
I tried to download the mapping file but failed.
When I try open this link (http://ab.inf.uni-tuebingen.de/data/software/megan6/download/welcome.html), show: “We’re sorry, but page does not exist”.
I even tried last version of M. Again no.
That appears to have been a temporary outage, the webpage is accessible again
Hi Daniel,
approx. when will be available the updated (2019~) protein accession to NCBI-taxonomy mapping file?
Thank you in advance for any news
Best regards: Balázs
I just downloaded the latest files from NCBI yesterday and will post a new update of MEGAN, and the taxonomy mapping files next week (Monday).
Hi Daniel
Is there any update on the 2019 NCBI mapping files?
Many thanks
It is nearly done, I want to update eggNOG, InterPro and Kegg as well. There are some issues there, and I will update what ever works tomorrow
just uploaded V6_17_0 now.
Hi Daniel,
May I know if you have uploaded protein accession to KEGG and eggNOG mapping files as well? the links on the download page do not work for me. Thank you very much!
Hello all,
Is this file still being updated ?